Corporate Cooperation
Hello, nice that you’ve found your way to the company page on SSHV’s website!
Perhaps you already know what SSHV is and what we work for? Maybe this is your first time on our website? Regardless, below is a brief introduction to SSHV.
SSHV consists of over 700 members and manages the activities of the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration’s Student Union (SHS) in Vaasa. The student association’s task is, among other things, to serve as a support organization for those studying at Hanken and to safeguard the interests of the students. We also ensure that all our students thrive at our university in sunny Vaasa while expanding their networks by organizing various collaborations with companies.
With the help of SSHV, your company can reach all our students in all years of study. Our students come from all over Finland, and some are international students as well. SSHV members major in Marketing, Business Management and Organization, Accounting, Financial Economics, or Commercial Law. We SSHV members are known for always including all members in everything we do, being able to collaborate seamlessly thanks to all the group work in our courses, but above all, for our networking. Because of this, SSHV is an excellent partner for companies from various industries!
Within SSHV, there is the Business Committee that serves as the link between students and companies. Therefore, we organize both company evenings and other collaborations with companies. For us, it is very important to have long-term collaborations with companies from different industries, not only so that we can help all our members with their future careers but also so that you can see added value in a collaboration with SSHV for a longer period ahead by presenting yourselves as potential employers for SSHV members.
We welcome both smaller and larger collaborations, both locally and nationally. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us so that we can discuss a closer collaboration together! Collaborating is fun and can be beneficial for both us and you!
Are you or your company interested in collaborating with us at SSHV? Please contact either Business Coordinator Elmer Holm at or the Business Committee at